ERSPC Section: Italy (Florence)


ISPO – Cancer Research and Prevention Institute
Clinical and Descriptive Epidemiology Unit
Via delle Oblate 2,
50141, Florence,

Contact address:

ISPO – Cancer Research and Prevention Institute
Clinical and Descriptive Epidemiology Unit
Via delle Oblate 2, 50141, Florence,
Tel 390557972530
Fax 390557972535

Local ERSPC protocol foresees:

  • randomisation (1:1) of resident males 55-69
  • invitation of subjects allocated to active screening arm (call recall by mail)
  • PSA (tandem R – Hybritech) determination
    • PSA <2.5 ng/ml: return to screening after 4 years
    • PSA 2.5-3.9: DRE + TRUS and directed biopsy to DRE/TRUS abnormalities
    • PSA 4 > : DRE, TRUS, and routine random sextant biopsy (transperineal US guidied) + directed biopsy to DRE/TRUS abnormalities
  • screening started in October 1996: a total of 15,000 subjects have been randomised up to October 2000 when second round started
  • local focus of interest
    • selection criteria for biopsy, to improve its positive predictive value
    • determination of opportunistic PSA in the control arm
    • estimate and determination of overdiagnosis magnitude